We live in a very fortunate time because, now more than ever, there are more Bitcoin podcasts for newcomers. Each of the listed podcasts brings its own set of flavors and formats to inform listeners about all of the Bitcoin essentials and developments within the space.

1. We Study Billionaires
Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube
The Investor’s Podcast Network is an exclusive business podcast network that currently has four shows. Bitcoin Fundamentals is the Bitcoin segment of the channel and is hosted by Preston Pysh. Bitcoin Fundamentals brings on some of the most prominent leaders in the space. As one of the founders of The Investor’s Podcast Network, Pysh also manages the Pylon Holding Company. Pysh graduated from West Point with a Bachelors in Aerospace Engineering and from Johns Hopkins University with an MBA in Banking and NBC Finance. Pysh’s videos on finance and investing have been viewed by millions inside and outside the Bitcoin space. By articulating complex ideas into a simple language for his viewers, Pysh continues to educate and help many of his listeners achieve financial independence.
What did he say? “Bitcoin is a purposefully programmed, time-phased, Trojan horse to the existing financial system.”
Source: @PrestonPysh

2. The Pomp Podcast (formerly Off the Chain)
Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, YouTube
Anthony Pomliano is an American entrepreneur and technology investor. In Pompliano’s earlier career, he joined Snapchat’s Growth department and was then hired at Facebook to lend his skills in their user growth division. Pompliano then moved on to become a managing partner at Full Tilt Capital and then a co-founder and partner for Morgan Creek Digital Assets. Pompliano and his partners allocate capital across digital asset classes on behalf of institutions, public pensions, university endowments, private foundations, and large family offices. Additionally, Pompliano hosts the “The Pomp Podcast” and writes a daily letter about the intersection of finance, technology, entrepreneurship, and economics. Pompliano has become a very well known educator, not only in the Bitcoin space but in the equity and investment community as well.
What did he say? “At some point it becomes too risky to have no exposure to Bitcoin.”
Source: @APompliano

3. BitcoinMeister
Platforms: Anchor, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube
BitcoinMeister, a.k.a. Adam Meister, got into the Bitcoin space around 2013. Since then, he has sold off his real estate and invested everything he has into Bitcoin. Meister’s episodes primarily focus on current events related to Bitcoin, personal responsibility, marketing, the minimalist lifestyle, travel, and health. Meister has a few formats for his show which include: ask me anything, current topics within Bitcoin, guest Q&A, this week in Bitcoin (a format with multiple guests from all over the globe discussing what has happened in Bitcoin during the week), and beyond Bitcoin. Meister enjoys sharing his personal insight into the possibilities of what will happen in the future for Bitcoin. He has been spot on with many of his predictions, including the price of Bitcoin, which he predicted during his shows dating back to 2015 and 2016. He is notorious for his catchy phrases and “best guests in the space” as he educates newbies and more experienced listeners on the importance of Bitcoin.
What did he say? “Get into a regiment. Get into a system. In this space, if you’re an impulsive person you are going to face some mistakes.”
Source: Adam Meister's Long Beach Bitcoin Talk

4. What Bitcoin Did
Platforms: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube
What Bitcoin Did is hosted by Peter McCormack. He started this podcast because his friends and family were asking him how to begin investing and trading Bitcoin during the 2017 bull run. McCormack has a background in digital media and marketing, and he also hosts the Defiance Podcast and Defiance TV show to discuss current social issues in the world. What Bitcoin Did covers a range of topics about development, privacy, investment, and adoption pertaining to Bitcoin and its community. McCormack interviews some of the most active and influential members within the Bitcoin space and gets them to share their personal stories. No topics are off-limits for the podcast and differing opinions and perspectives are encouraged. McCormack is very much in favor of hearing as many perspectives as he can in order to provide quality content about Bitcoin and everything the digital currency affects.
What did he say? “I don’t believe that there isn’t a government somewhere accumulating Bitcoin.”
Source: Twitter

5. Unscrypted Podcast
Platforms: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube
The Unscrypted Podcast is hosted by Andreas Antonopoulos. He delves into the intricacies of economics, technology, and politics behind the Bitcoin network. The Unscrypted format provides lectures on subjects that Antonopoulos has presented numerous times for audiences around the world. He is a public speaker, Bitcoin evangelist, best-selling author, entrepreneur, and educator. With his background in cybersecurity and data communications, Antonopoulos is able to break down many complex subjects within Bitcoin for his listeners. Unscrypted is an excellent resource for newcomers and veterans to review topics about currency, banking systems, government powers, sovereignty, decentralization, the philosophy of Bitcoin, and much more.
What did he say? “Bitcoin is not a currency. Bitcoin is the internet of money.”
Source: The Internet of Money

6. Swan Signal
Platforms: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube
About: Brady Swenson is also the host of Swan Signal and the Head of Education at Swan. The format of the show involves having a group of Bitcoiners hang out and talk about Bitcoin on air, while musing about a Bitcoin future. Swan Bitcoin is a company devoted to getting as many people involved in Bitcoin with their automatic dollar cost averaging strategy. They hope to enhance the educational process for newcomers with resources like Swan Signal. By providing more ways to learn about Bitcoin, this approach allows for sound and planned decisions to be made for new Bitcoiners. The team over at Swan Signal has devoted a lot of time and resources into developing their education department, which further establishes their commitment to onboarding 10 million Bitcoiners. By speaking to phenomenal guests, Swenson continues to MC and moderate each episode with precision. He gets experts to provide insight and is able to get at the heart of what is important for newcomers to hear. During the live broadcasting, Swenson and Brekkie von Bitcoin bring spur of the moment high quality discussions and content
What did he say? “To be a good citizen of bitcoin you need to take personal responsibility for your education.”
Source: Brady Swenson - Swan Bitcoin

7. Stephen Livera
Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube
Stephen Livera began his career as an analyst at Deloitte Australia and eventually became an auditor for Boral and then the Commonwealth Bank. Livera now hosts a Bitcoin podcast, is a Co-Founder of Ministry of Nodes, and a Partner with Bitcoiner Ventures. The Stephan Livera Podcast is recognized as one of the world’s leading Bitcoin podcasts. Livera focuses on educational interviews about the economics and technology of Bitcoin. Livera is able to interview some of the most high profile Bitcoin, Libertarian, Austrian economics and Macro guests that include: Jack Dorsey (CEO of Twitter & Square), Ron Paul, Niall Ferguson, Dr Adam Back (CEO Blockstream and cryptographer cited in the Bitcoin whitepaper), and many more. Livera’s show does focus more on the technical side of Bitcoin and offers content that is excellent for more experienced learners.
What did he say? “Accumulating Bitcoin is not about getting more dollars. It's about retaining or increasing your purchasing power.”
Source: @stephanlivera

8. Bitcoin Kindergarten
Platforms: Anchor, Google Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, Live Q&A on Discord
Enjoy a session with Nik and Optimist where they go over Bitcoin basics for beginners. They both have a relaxed understanding with the subject matter, which helps keep things flowing during their live Q&A segments. If you have any questions or are fairly extroverted over the web, this is the perfect place to start. Bitcoin Kindergarten started their podcast in May of 2020 and have been able to gain so much attention because their format is so open to newcomers. Bitcoin Kindergarten releases one episode per week. Episodes include special guests, presentations, and technical classes. “Teachers Lounge” is a special segment where the more seasoned Bitcoiners talk and riff about current events, economics, philosophy, technical skills, and more..
What did he say? “I am not going to be buying stocks until the stock market is denominated in BTC.”
Source: Nik (@nikcantmine) on BitcoinMeister’s This Week in Bitcoin- 7-10-2020
“Bitcoin is a foundation for a better society…I am so adamant about Bitcoin because I’ve seen the transformation in myself. If it can happen for me, then it can happen for anyone else.”
Source: Optimist (@My_Livin_Truth) on Bitcoin Rapid-Fire - Bitcoin Saved my life

9. Once BITten!
Platforms: Apple Podcasts, Anchor, Google Podcasts, Spotify
Daniel Prince runs the Once BITten! Podcast with the help of his four children, especially Laura. Prince interviews Bitcoiners about their journeys and how they fell down the Bitcoin rabbit hole. Prince uses an interview format where he discusses his guests’ most pressing questions. With 1 to 2 releases per week, the Once BITten! podcast should provide enough insight into how the most regarded Bitcoiners in the space drive Bitcoin adoption. With each interview, Prince is able to provide an excellent conversation allowing guests to speak their minds. Prince’s 18 years of experience with foreign exchange trading and the legacy system have made for a natural transition to Bitcoin. Many of the problems that were present within traditional finance were solved or addressed by the Bitcoin network. Prince has not only been able to change his outlook on the world with Bitcoin but has been able to restructure his life as well as his family’s to be more productive, healthier, wealthier, and happier.
What did he say? “Do you want to be the guy that brings up Bitcoin in front of your board of directors and be laughed out of the room or do you want to be the guy that has to answer the question, ‘why the hell did you not think about investing into Bitcoin?’”
Source: BitcoinMeister - This week in Bitcoin- 9-18-2020

10. Fun with Bitcoin
Platforms:Apple Podcasts, Anchor, Google Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube
Fun with Bitcoin is hosted by Phil, a.k.a. Coinicarus, who has a background in network administration and was introduced to Bitcoin in 2012. However, he did not get back into the Bitcoin space until 2016. After some time back, Phil felt a sense of control and excitement the moment he was able to transfer his Bitcoin from Coinbase into his own wallet. Phil delved deeper into what Bitcoin has to offer investors and how it operates from a technical perspective. Fun with Bitcoin releases a show once a week, focusing on interviews with die-hard Bitcoiners from various walks of life. Phil is very clear and concise in the topics he discusses. In many of the earlier episodes, he goes over the basics of Bitcoin and what occurs within the cryptocurrency space. Earlier episodes explore a variety of topics, including buying and sending Bitcoin, ICOs, BTC faucets, things to avoid within the space, and the occasional questions from listeners. Phil provides very practical advice that can be applied quickly for someone starting out. Having a very firm grasp on the technical aspects of Bitcoin, Phil also takes the time to explain unfamiliar terms during his shows in order to bring new listeners up to speed. It’s also a nice refresher for regular listeners as well.
What did he say? “Everybody wants value for their dollar but at the same time, I think we need a flight back to quality. And that’s what Bitcoin does by creating that solid monetary base. We can build quality structures on top of a quality base.”
Source: Interview with @Nikcantmine

11. BTC Sessions
Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube
Ben Perrin has been in the Bitcoin space since early 2014. He began his YouTube channel in 2016 to educate users on the fundamental and technical aspects of Bitcoin. Perrin has over ten years of experience as an educator and as an international performance artist. Perrin is able to provide listeners with easy to digest tutorials around wallet creation, application use, device walk-throughs, proper security, and much more. Perrin has helped many navigate the complexities of Bitcoin while providing insight on upcoming technologies. On his BTC Sessions channel, Perrin has interviewed prominent figures in the industry, such as: Erik Voorhees, Trace Mayer, Arthur Hayes, and many others. Perrin has also been featured locally on CTV and Global, as well as numerous industry podcasts and publications like Crush The Street, Bloxlive TV, and more.
What did he say? “I don't think Bitcoin knows a crisis is happening. It cannot react, it can only continue to exist and function as designed. That is enough.”
Source: @BTCsessions

12. Citizen Bitcoin
Platforms: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube
About: Brady Swenson runs Citizen Bitcoin as a way to share his Bitcoin journey and help his listeners understand what is going on in the current market. Swenson has been doing podcasts officially since 2018 and makes it seem almost effortless with the way he is able to steer conversations. Presented by Swan Bitcoin, Citizen Bitcoin is an excellent resource for anyone involved in Bitcoin. Citizen Bitcoin releases a show once a week to bring on various guests with diverse enough backgrounds. Swenson has professed numerous times that Bitcoin has changed the course of his life and his appreciation for all of the opportunities that he has had. Every year, he becomes more and more optimistic of the world’s future with Bitcoin and the services being built on top of it.
What did he say? “Bitcoin’s gravity is strong. It’ll slowly suck you into its orbit until you are crossing into the...black hole [that is] Bitcoin.”
Source: Citizen Bitcoin - My Bitcoin Journey - E100
Podcast tips:
1. If you find a content creator who is able to present complex ideas in digestible bites, it may save time and help to first look through their entire catalogue of episodes on the topics you struggle the most with.
2. Once you find a content creator you enjoy, it may also help to listen to each episode in chronological order. This will help you understand the current events at the time of recording. A lot of the issues that the mainstream media like to bring up about Bitcoin have occurred in the past. This will benefit your understanding of the news cycle and how it affects the Bitcoin price in the short- and long-term.
3. For those who do not have a lot of free time throughout the day, a good way to save time is to play podcast episodes on 1.5x - 2x speed. This may take some time to get used to. It may make sense to start on 1.25x speed and then try faster speeds once you are comfortable with that setting.
4. Listening to podcasts while completing chores is also a great source of motivation, especially the ones you find yourself putting off.
5. If you are traveling, be sure to download the podcasts you wish to catch up on in order to avoid service interruptions.
6. If you find yourself spending a significant amount of time listening to podcasts on platforms that play ads during episodes, you may want to subscribe to the platform in order to avoid listening to ads.